
Friday, August 2, 2013

Sponsors and Affiliate Links

You may have noticed that there's a new little tab up top called "Sponsors." I want to take just a brief moment and explain the reasoning and purpose behind this new development in the world of Our Little Clan.

I write this blog because I love to write. If I had my way, I would make a living writing. That's why we now have sponsors.

The blog has always had ads and in the past few months I've added some affiliate links (see the Sponsors tab). This month I hope to also ad some sponsors who will pay specifically to advertise on this blog.

I think my readers are pretty awesome and I'd love to provide you with resources for great products and services that you and your family could use. I also think there are some pretty awesome businesses out there that could use a little more exposure. And to be frank, I could use a little more jingle in my pocket. ;)

It really is that simple. I want to be able to make a living writing and while that won't be happening anytime soon, this is a step in that direction. I also want to connect my readers with great businesses and great business with my readers. If I make a little cash in the process, that's just icing on the cake.

I plan to incorporate our sponsors in such a way as to showcase their great products and services but not bog down the blog. I really hope this will be a win-win for all involved and will bring a new and exciting element to the blog!

Thanks so much for your support, and feel free to click a link or two. ;)

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